High break refers to the quarterback breaking the football above the upper arm, with the shoulder moving into an externally rotated position too early.  If viewing from the side, if the elbow and all of the upper arm are visible below the football, you would be exhibiting a high break.

Why does it matter?

A high break can be problematic in the throwing motion for multiple reasons:

  1.  It limits the ability to take advantage of the momentum of the football moving because in inevitably leads to more of a stop-start, or pull-push motion with the ball.
  2. It will limit the amount of range the shoulder can move through rotationally as you progress through your throwing motion, which limits the amount of momentum to create and utilize the elasticity of rotation at the shoulder joint, known as the stretch-shortening cycle. 
  3.  Over time, this can lead to shoulder issues because of the increased amount of power required to be generated by the upper body due to the lack of momentum and use of elastic energy.  


A high break is typically a technical issue, but can sometimes be correlated with limitations to scapular stability and control as well as tightness in the back of the shoulder restricting internal or inward rotation at the shoulder joint.  This characteristic is also more prevalent in youth quarterbacks who may have difficulty controlling the football with their hand above the ball during the break.  

Test Yourself

Perform this assessment to determine if you may have underlying physical issues causing you to exhibit a High Break in your passing motion. 



Corrective Exercises & Drills

If you have determined you have a high break, use the following exercises to correct for physical limitations or drills to correct for technical issues.